
Matt DeMayo

Rochester Institute of Technology

Contact Details

Rochester Institute of Technology



I have been at the Rochester Institute of Technology since 2009 (2005-2009 as a student) where I have worked at multiple levels of the university. Starting with an academic department, later working at the college/school level, and later at university level. During this time, I have had the pleasure of being involved and understanding processes at each level. This knowledge has provided a benefit when implementing new tools whether delivered or custom within our SIS.

Within the Office of the Registrar, we act as the lead on student record data within SIS. This requires us to take lead on testing during upgrades, training for new features, reporting via PS Query, and troubleshooting escalated issues before involving development.

As a PeopleSoft power user, I look for everyday improvements to business processes and transactions. Via implementations and customization, we are able to utilize complex queries to automate large processes. Examples include diploma production, graduation tracking, mass discontinuation, NSC processing, grading, and form processing as we implement eForms.

I aim to contribute to HEUG conversations where I can, and encourage my team to present or attend as available.